Source code for tools.optionmenu

from Tkconstants import RAISED
from Tkinter import Menubutton, TclError, Widget, Menu

class _SetIt:
    Internal class for wrapping command into widget OptionMenu
    def __init__(self, var, value, callback=None):
        self.__value = value
        self.__var = var
        self.__callback = callback

    def __call__(self, *args):
        if self.__callback:
            self.__callback(self.__value, *args)

[docs]class ShapeOptionMenu(Menubutton): """ Custom OptionMenu which allows the user to select a value from a menu and update upon button click. :param master: The widget to draw to :param variable: A ``StringVar()`` object for displaying options :param str value: The default value of the menu :param **kwargs: Tkinter dict args *note:* **only** supports `-command` """ def __init__(self, master, variable, value, **kwargs): kw = {'borderwidth': 2, 'textvariable': variable, 'indicatoron': 1, 'relief': RAISED, 'anchor': 'c', 'highlightthickness': 2} Widget.__init__(self, master, 'menubutton', kw) self.var = variable self.widget_name = 'tk_optionmenu' self.__menu = Menu(self, name='menu', tearoff=0) self.menu_name = self.__menu._w self.callback = kwargs.get('command') if 'command' in kwargs: del kwargs['command'] if kwargs: raise TclError('unknown option -' + kwargs.keys()[0]) self.__menu.add_command(label=value, command=_SetIt(variable, value, self.callback)) self['menu'] = self.__menu
[docs] def set_menu(self, options): """ Set the internal menu, this allows the program to dynamically create menus on the fly when a user clicks. :param list options: A list of :py:class:`str` objects which is the new menu """ del self.__menu self.__menu = Menu(self, name='menu', tearoff=0) for op in options: self.__menu.add_command(label=op, command=_SetIt(self.var, op, self.callback))