Submit Bugs or IssuesΒΆ


Due to NASA software release, the issue tracker is not currently public as it is tied to our codebase. If you are a NASA employee please email either Grant or Nathan and we can give you access to the issue tracker. If you are not a NASA employee we are sorry and any issues / questions must be emailed to us for the time being.

Issues and bugs can of course be emailed to us via the contact page, but vocal has a dedicated issue tracker located on Github. If you run into an issue we would prefer if you took the following steps:


Please create an account at Github if not already, it can be considered the central hub of the computer science industry and will likely come in handy further down the road regardless.

  1. Located the log file in reference to when the bug appeared. If you are submitting a bug you previously noticed but ignored for some time, try to recreate the bug so the log file will contain text related to where the bug may have happened. The log file is usually named trace.log
  2. Head over to the Issue Tracker and click New Issue, Select the type of issue you’ve encountered with using the labels labels option
  1. Try to be as clear as you can as to exactly what the problem is, once submitted all contributors to the repository will instantly be notifed via email and github that your issue is submitted. This is the fastest method of contacting the team about issues, use it to your advantage! You are also welcome to label improvements and enchancements if you feel the application is missing some key features.