Source code for settingsdialog

#    Created July 21, 2017
#    @author Collin Pampalone

import tkMessageBox
import tkFileDialog
from Tkinter import Toplevel, Entry, Button, BOTH, Frame, SUNKEN, Label, LEFT, BOTTOM, TOP, X, \
    Checkbutton, StringVar, BooleanVar, W, Grid, NORMAL

from bokeh.colors import white
from Tkconstants import END
from constants import CONF
from log.log import logger
from os.path import dirname

[docs]class SettingsDialog(Toplevel): """ Dialog Window that allows the user to manually change the settings in config.json """ # This dialog should be a singleton, so the caller will ensure no other # windows are open by checking this variable singleton = False def __init__(self, root, master): SettingsDialog.singleton = True # Creation of a pseudo singleton # Set up the window as transient, i.e. it is a subset the main window'Instantiating SettingsDialog') Toplevel.__init__(self, root) self.transient(root) self.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', # Custom exit protocol self.__root = root # Declare the inputs, root is the Tk root, master is Calipso self.__master = master self.__var_dict = None # A formatted copy of config.json to hold changes self.__settings_entries = list() # The text boxes for files settings, holds Entry objects self.__browse_buttons = list() # Holds the browse buttons self.__bool_buttons = list() # Holds the boolean setting checkboxes self.__lock_setting_buttons = list() # Holds the lock setting checkboxes self.__top_frame = None self.__bottom_frame = None self.__container = Frame(self) # Main frame to hold top and bottom self.__container.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=True) # Place the frame self.get_variable_dict() # Grab config file settings self.create_top_frame() # Make the top and bottom frames self.create_bottom_frame()
[docs] def create_top_frame(self): """ The top frame holds all of the widgets for displaying and changing settings """ self.__top_frame = Frame(self.__container) # Create and place the frame self.__top_frame.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=False) # Create the title bar to explain the contents of each column title_bar = [] title_bar_text = ['Config Setting', 'Value', '', 'Lock'] n = 0 for text in title_bar_text: # Iterate through the column titles, create labels, and place them on the grid title_bar.append(Label(self.__top_frame, text=text)) title_bar[n].grid(row=0, column=n, padx=5, pady=5, sticky=W) n += 1 # Create a row for each setting with the necessary widgets for changing it label_settings = [] n = 0 for key, value in self.__var_dict.iteritems(): # By iterating through, we can change the number and types of settings in and # we don't have to make any changes to the settings dialog as long as it is a bool or # file directory var_text = StringVar() # Temporary holds a string of the current directory var_text.set(str(value['value'])) label_name = key + ':' # Temporarily holds the label of the setting lock_val = BooleanVar() # Temporarily holds the value of lock_setting bool_value = BooleanVar() # Temporarily holds the value of a bool setting # Create the setting label label_settings.append(Label(self.__top_frame, text=label_name)) # Figure out if we are making a file-type or bool-type setting setting_type = self.__var_dict[key]['type'] if setting_type == 'file': # Create a readonly entry to display the string of the directory path self.__settings_entries.append(Entry(self.__top_frame, state='readonly', width=30, justify=LEFT, textvariable=var_text, readonlybackground=white, relief=SUNKEN)) # Create a browse button to change the path dialog_box = self.__settings_entries[-1] self.__browse_buttons.append( Button(self.__top_frame, text='Change', width=10, command=lambda key=key, dialog_box=dialog_box: self.change_dir_setting(key, dialog_box))) elif setting_type == 'bool': # Create a checkbutton to switch bool values self.__bool_buttons.append( Checkbutton(self.__top_frame, variable=bool_value, onvalue=True, offvalue=False, command=lambda key=key, bool_value=bool_value: self.change_bool_setting(key, bool_value))) # Set the checkbox to show the current config value bool_value.set(value['value']) # Create checkbutton to switch the value between # locked (true, set to manual) or not (false, auto) self.__lock_setting_buttons.append( Checkbutton(self.__top_frame, variable=lock_val, onvalue=True, offvalue=False, command=lambda key=key, check_val=lock_val: self.change_lock_setting(key, check_val))) # Set the checkbox to show the current config value lock_val.set(value['lock_setting']) # Place all of the widgets on the grid label_settings[n].grid(row=(1 + n), column=0, padx=5, pady=5, sticky=W) # Make sure we only place the correct widget if setting_type == 'file': self.__settings_entries[-1].grid(row=(1 + n), column=1, padx=5, pady=5) self.__browse_buttons[-1].grid(row=(1 + n), column=2, pady=5, padx=5) elif setting_type == 'bool': self.__bool_buttons[-1].grid(row=(1 + n), column=1, padx=5, pady=5) self.__lock_setting_buttons[n].grid(row=(1 + n), column=3, padx=5, pady=5) n += 1 # Give the entry boxes, bool checkboxes in column 1 the ability to move with the window Grid.columnconfigure(self.__top_frame, 1, weight=1)
[docs] def create_bottom_frame(self): """ The bottom frame which holds the save and revert buttons """ # TODO add a default button to reset config.json to defaults self.__bottom_frame = Frame(self.__container) self.__bottom_frame.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X, expand=True) # Create a save and close button to save config save_button = Button(self.__bottom_frame, text='Save Settings', command=lambda: # Create a revert button to scrap the changes and go back to the initial settings revert_button = Button(self.__bottom_frame, text='Revert Settings', command=lambda: self.revert()) # Place all of the buttons and ability to move save_button.grid(row=0, column=0, pady=5) revert_button.grid(row=0, column=1, pady=5) Grid.columnconfigure(self.__bottom_frame, 0, weight=1) Grid.columnconfigure(self.__bottom_frame, 1, weight=1)
[docs] def change_lock_setting(self, key, new_val): """ Change the manual/auto lock setting """ self.__var_dict[key]['lock_setting'] = new_val.get() + ' manual/auto lock changed to ' + str(new_val.get()))
[docs] def change_bool_setting(self, key, new_val): """ Change a boolean config setting """ self.__var_dict[key]['value'] = new_val.get() + ' bool setting changed to ' + str(new_val.get()))
[docs] def change_dir_setting(self, key, dialog_box): """ Change a directory config setting """ options = dict() if 'database' in key.lower(): options['filetypes'] = [('CALIPSO Database', '*.db'), ('All files', '*')] elif 'hdf' in key.lower(): options['filetypes'] = [('CALIPSO Data File', '*.hdf'), ('All files', '*')] options['initialdir'] = dirname(dialog_box.get()) directory = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(**options) if directory != '': # if dir is not empty dialog_box.config(state=NORMAL) dialog_box.delete(0, END) dialog_box.insert(END, directory) self.__var_dict[key]['value'] = directory + ' file setting changed to ' + directory)
[docs] def get_variable_dict(self): """ Load the dictionary of variables from through CONF in constants """ # The dict must be copied this way so that we can make changes without referencing the # actual variables named in the CONF dictionary var_dict = CONF.get_variable_dict() new_dict = dict() for key, variable in var_dict.iteritems(): # Iterate through the dict to copy it key = key.replace('_', ' ') key = key.title() new_dict[key] = { 'value': variable.value(), 'lock_setting': variable.manual_setting(), 'type': variable.get_type() } self.__var_dict = new_dict
[docs] def free(self): """ Destroy the window and ensure the session is closed correctly """ SettingsDialog.singleton = False # Singleton no longer exists, so set it to false'Closing SettingsDialog') self.destroy()
[docs] def save(self): """ Write all of the settings from the self.__var_dict to config.json and close""" writing_dict = CONF.get_variable_dict() # get the variable dict for key, value in self.__var_dict.iteritems(): # Iterate through and write changes proceed = True key = key.replace(' ', '_') key = key.lower() # We want to warn users if they change the default db if key == 'default_database' and writing_dict[key].value() != value['value']: print writing_dict[key].value() print value['value'] message = 'You are attempting to change the default database, are you sure sure ' \ 'you would like to change it to %s?\n\nSelecting cancel will skip this ' \ 'change and finish the save.' %value['value'] proceed = tkMessageBox.askokcancel('Proceed?', message) if not proceed: continue # Locked values that are changed in the diaglog will still be written writing_dict[key].force_change(value['value']) writing_dict[key].change_manual(value['lock_setting'])'Settings saved') # Close the window
[docs] def revert(self): """ Reverts any unsaved changes back to the initial values """ self.get_variable_dict() self.__top_frame.destroy() self.__settings_entries = list() self.__browse_buttons = list() self.__lock_setting_buttons = list() self.__top_frame = Frame(self) self.__top_frame.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=True) self.create_top_frame()