Source code for importdialog

#    Created on Jun 15, 2015
#    @author: Grant Mercer
import collections
import tkFileDialog
import tkMessageBox
from Tkinter import Toplevel, Entry, Button, BOTH, Frame, \
    Label, BOTTOM, TOP, X, RIDGE, Checkbutton, IntVar, StringVar

import constants
from datetime import datetime, time
from constants import CSV, TXT, DATEFORMAT, ICO
from sqlalchemy import or_, Time, cast
from db import db, DatabasePolygon
from import center, get_shape_ranges, find_between, get_sec
from tools.treelistbox import TreeListBox
from tools.tooltip import create_tool_tip
from log.log import logger
from advancedsearchdialog import AdvancedSearchDialog
from extractcolumnsdialog import ExtractColumnsDialog

[docs]class ImportDialog(Toplevel): """ Dialog window which prompts user for a selection of objects to import as well as showing a customizable list for displaying the data :param: root: root Tk widget, often Tk() :param: master: the main window, for access of polygonList """ # This dialog should be a singleton, so the caller will ensure no other # windows are open by checking this variable singleton = False def __init__(self, root, master): ImportDialog.singleton = True # creation of a pseudo singleton'Instantiating ImportDialog') Toplevel.__init__(self, root) self.transient(root) self.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.session = db.get_session() # import window holds a session self.__internal_list = list() # internal list of db objs self.__stack = collections.deque(maxlen=15) # stack for searching self.__search_string = '' # search string self.__master = master # CALIPSO class self.__root = root self.title('Import from existing database') # window title self.tree = None # tree viewing class self.e = None # entry box for searching self.top_frame = None # top Tkinter frame self.bottom_frame = None # bottom Tkinter frame self.bottom_button_frame = None # bottom BUTTON Tkinter frame self.separator = None # separator line self.filter_file = IntVar() # int_var for filtering by file self.advance_dialog = False self.extract_dialog = False self.column_titles = ['name', 'plot', 'time range', 'latitude range', 'altitude range', 'attributes', 'notes', 'last edited', 'file'] self.plot_type = StringVar() self.beg_time = None self.end_time = None self.beg_lat = None self.end_lat = None self.beg_alt = None self.end_alt = None self.file = None center(self, (constants.IMPORTWIDTH, constants.IMPORTHEIGH)) self.container = Frame(self) # create center frame, self.container.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=True) # place self.create_top_frame() # create the top frame and pack buttons / etc. on it self.create_bottom_frame() # create the bottom frame and pack
[docs] def create_top_frame(self): """ Initialize the upper frame of the window in charge of buttons, in order: creates a top_frame, sets a 'Search' label and binds an entry box beside it, which calls ``refine_search`` upon a user releasing a key after pressing. Then binds the *delete* button to ``data_from_db`` """'Creating top frame') self.top_frame = Frame(self.container) self.top_frame.pack(side=TOP, fill=X, expand=False) label = Label(self.top_frame, text='Search ') self.e = Entry(self.top_frame) create_tool_tip(self.e, 'Search in Name, Attributes, Notes') self.e.bind('<KeyRelease>', self.refine_search) label.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=5, pady=10) self.e.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=5, pady=10) check_button = Checkbutton(self.top_frame, text='Filter for this file', variable=self.filter_file, command=self.filter_by_current_file) check_button.grid(row=0, column=2, padx=5, pady=10) advanced_filter = Button(self.top_frame, text='Advanced', command=self.advanced_prompt) advanced_filter.grid(row=0, column=3, padx=5, pady=10) reset = Button(self.top_frame, text='Reset', command=self.reset) reset.grid(row=0, column=4, padx=5, pady=10) spacer = Label(self.top_frame, width=30) spacer.grid(row=0, column=5) self.top_frame.columnconfigure(5, weight=1) delete_button = Button(self.top_frame, text='Delete', command=self.delete_from_db, width=10) delete_button.grid(row=0, column=6, padx=15)
[docs] def create_bottom_frame(self): """ Create and display database in listbox, also add lower button frame for import button """'Creating bottom frame') self.bottom_frame = Frame(self.container) # create bottom frame self.bottom_frame.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=BOTH, expand=True) self.separator = Frame(self.bottom_frame, relief=RIDGE, height=2, bg='gray') # tiny separator splitting the top and bottom frame self.separator.pack(side=TOP, fill=X, expand=False) self.bottom_button_frame = Frame(self.bottom_frame) # bottom frame for import button self.bottom_button_frame.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X, expand=False) self.tree = TreeListBox(self.bottom_frame, self.column_titles) for obj in self.session.query(DatabasePolygon).all(): self.__internal_list.append(obj) # insert JSON obj representation into internal list self.__display_all() Label(self.bottom_button_frame, width=35).grid(row=0, column=0) Button(self.bottom_button_frame, text='Import', width=30, command=self.import_selection).grid(row=0, column=1, padx=10, pady=10) Button(self.bottom_button_frame, text='Extract Column Contents', width=25, command=self.extract_columns_dialog).grid(row=0, column=2, padx=10, pady=10)
[docs] def filter_by_current_file(self): """ Command function for the check button located beside the entry box in Import Dialog. Lists all shapes given by only the current file when checked. If unchecked displays all entries. """ if self.filter_file.get(): fn = self.__master.get_file().rpartition('/')[2] lst = self.get_current_file_shapes()'Displaying %d shapes contained in %s' % (len(lst), fn)) # Only return list of objects in the current view, otherwise we would # just append lst lst = [x for x in lst if x in] self.__stack.append( = lst self.tree.update() else: = self.__stack.pop() self.tree.update()
[docs] def get_current_file_shapes(self): """ Return a list of all shapes contained in the current file, queries the database looking for all entries with the column *tag* that match the file returned by the rpartitioned ``Calipso.get_file()`` function :rtype: list """ fn = self.__master.get_file().rpartition('/')[2] lst = list() for obj in self.session.query(DatabasePolygon).filter_by( hdf=fn ): time_range = '%s - %s' % (obj.begin_time.strftime(DATEFORMAT), obj.end_time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')) altitude_range = '%.3f - %.3f' % (obj.begin_alt, obj.end_alt) lat_range = '%.3f - %.3f' % (obj.begin_lat, obj.end_lat) lst.append( (obj.tag, obj.plot, time_range, lat_range, altitude_range, obj.attributes[1:-1], obj.notes, obj.time_.strftime(DATEFORMAT), obj.hdf)) if not lst: logger.warning('Query returned None, no shapes found') return lst
[docs] def import_selection(self): """ Import selected objects from internal_list into program """ items = self.tree.tree.selection()'Parsing selection') # For all selected items in window skip = False for tag in items: # Find those items in internal list and import them tag = self.tree.tree.item(tag, option='values') fname = tag[-1] cfname = self.__master.get_file().rpartition('/')[2] if fname[-25:-4] != cfname[-25:-4]: skip = not tkMessageBox.\ askyesno('Unmatched files', '%s is from a different file than currently' % tag[0] + ' loaded, proceed anyways? \ncurrent:%s \nloaded:%s' % (tag[-1], cfname)) if not skip:'Encoding \'%s\' to JSON' % tag[0]) names = [x.tag for x in self.__internal_list]'Forwarding JSON to be read') self.__master.get_shapemanager().read_plot( read_from_str=str(self.__internal_list[names.index(tag[0])])) else:'skipping loading for %s' % tag[0])
[docs] def delete_from_db(self): """ Delete selected objects from database """ items = self.tree.tree.selection() if tkMessageBox.askyesno('Delete?', 'Really delete these items?', parent=self): for tag in items: tag = self.tree.tree.item(tag, option='values') idx = self.__internal_list[[x.tag for x in self.__internal_list].index(tag[0])].id'Notifying db of deletion for \'%s\' from selection' % tag[0]) db.delete_item(idx) self.__display_all()
def advanced_prompt(self):'Opening advanced search window') if(not AdvancedSearchDialog.singleton): AdvancedSearchDialog(self, self.__root). \ wm_iconbitmap(ICO) else: logger.warning('Found existing advanced search window, canceling') def extract_columns_dialog(self): if not self.extract_dialog: ExtractColumnsDialog(self, self.__root) self.extract_dialog = True else: pass def __display_all(self): """ Helper function to simply display all objects in the database """'Refreshing dialog view') lst = list() # Push previous display to stack if self.__stack.append( for obj in self.session.query(DatabasePolygon).all(): time_range = '%s - %s' % (obj.begin_time.strftime(DATEFORMAT), obj.end_time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')) altitude_range = '%.3f - %.3f' % (obj.begin_alt, obj.end_alt) lat_range = '%.3f - %.3f' % (obj.begin_lat, obj.end_lat) lst.append( # user see's this list (obj.tag, obj.plot, time_range, lat_range, altitude_range, obj.attributes[1:-1], obj.notes, obj.time_.strftime(DATEFORMAT), obj.hdf)) = lst self.tree.update()
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset the view of the tree within the import window, clears the stack as well """'Resetting tree view & stack') self.__display_all() self.__stack.clear()
[docs] def receive_extract_columns(self, observer): """ Receiving method called internally by an observer bound to an ``ExtractColumnsDialog`` instance. Upon the creation of a ``ExtractColumnDialog`` instance an observer is attached to the `ImportDialog`. Once the user finalizes the extraction details this function will be called with a dictionary of value . :param observer: An ``extractcolumnsdialog.ExtractionList`` object """ if 'free' in self.extract_dialog = False return columns_to_extract = [x for x in if[x] == 1 and x in self.column_titles] filetype =['filetype'] dataset = [[self.tree.tree.set(child, x) for child in self.tree.tree.get_children('')] for x in columns_to_extract] if len(columns_to_extract) == 0: logger.error('No columns selected for extraction') tkMessageBox.showerror('Extract Columns', 'No columns selected for extraction') return if filetype == TXT: f = tkFileDialog.\ asksaveasfilename(defaultextension='.txt', filetypes=[('text files', '*.txt'), ('All files', '*')]) if f == '':'canceling export column data as txt') return with open(f, 'w+') as outfile: outfile.write(' '.join(columns_to_extract) + '\n') for i in range(0, len(dataset[0])): for j in range(0, len(dataset)): outfile.write(str(dataset[j][i]) + ' ') outfile.write('\n') if filetype == CSV: f = tkFileDialog.\ asksaveasfilename(defaultextension='.csv', filetypes=[('csv files', '*.csv'), ('All files', '*')]) if f == '':'canceling export column data as csv') return'Writing to .csv') dataset.insert(0, columns_to_extract) with open(f, 'w+') as outfile: for i in range(len(dataset[0])): if i == len(dataset[0]) - 1: outfile.write(str(dataset[0][i])) else: outfile.write(str(dataset[0][i]) + ',') outfile.write('\n') for i in range(len(dataset[1])): for j in range(1, len(dataset)): if j == len(dataset) - 1: outfile.write(str(dataset[j][i])) else: outfile.write(str(dataset[j][i]) + ',') outfile.write('\n')
[docs] def free(self): """ Commit the session, destroy the window and ensure the session is closed correctly """ # Singleton no longer exists, so set it to false ImportDialog.singleton = False'Closing ImportDialog') self.session.commit() self.session.close() self.destroy()