# Created on Jun 16, 2015
# @author: Grant Mercer
import json
import os
import re
import zipfile
import shutil
import ast
import matplotlib as mpl
import constants
from tools.tools import zipdir
from constants import PATH, PLOTS, DATEFORMAT
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Column, Integer, String, func, NUMERIC,\
DateTime, Float, Index, TIME, cast
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from tools.tools import byteify, get_shape_ranges
from log.log import logger
from datetime import datetime
# Create a declarative_base for dbPolygon to inherit from
dbBase = declarative_base()
[docs]class DatabasePolygon(dbBase):
Sqlalchemy class object, contains all data that is stored inside the database.
Objects are represented as JSON
.. py:data:: id
.. py:data:: tag
.. py:data:: color
.. py:data:: time_
.. py:data:: hdf
.. py:data:: plot
.. py:data:: attributes
.. py:data:: coordinates
.. py:data:: notes
__tablename__ = 'objects'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) # primary key
tag = Column(String) # shape tag
color = Column(String) # color of polygon
time_ = Column(DateTime) # time object was exported
hdf = Column(String) # filename
plot = Column(String) # type of plot drawn on
attributes = Column(String) # list o f object attributes
coordinates = Column(String) # plot coordinates for displaying to user
notes = Column(String) # shape notes
begin_time = Column(DateTime) # starting time range of shape
end_time = Column(DateTime) # ending time range of shape
begin_lat = Column(Float) # beginning lat of shape
end_lat = Column(Float) # ending lat of shape
begin_alt = Column(Float) # starting altitude range of shape
end_alt = Column(Float) # ending altitude range of shape
def plot_string(i):
return constants.PLOTS[i]
def __repr__(self):
Represent the database class as a JSON object. Useful as our program
already supports JSON reading, so simply parse out the database as
separate JSON 'files'
data = {}
for key in constants.plot_type_enum:
data[key] = {}
data[self.plot] = {self.tag: {
'color': self.color,
'attributes': self.attributes,
'id': self.id,
'coordinates': self.coordinates,
'btime': self.begin_time.strftime(DATEFORMAT),
'etime': self.end_time.strftime(DATEFORMAT),
'blat': self.begin_lat,
'elat': self.end_lat,
'balt': self.begin_alt,
'ealt': self.end_alt,
'notes': self.notes}}
data['time'] = self.time_.strftime(DATEFORMAT)
data['hdffile'] = self.hdf
logger.info('Converting unicode to ASCII')
return byteify(json.dumps(data))
[docs]class DatabaseManager(object):
Internally manages the database engine and any sql related objects.
Hands out sessions with getSession() but only offers abstractions for
other functionality. The database is INDEPENDENT from the application
def __init__(self):
Create the database engine using db/CALIPSO.db database.
Echo all commands, create Session and table
logger.info('Instantiating DatabaseManager')
#path = constants.PATH + '/../db/CALIPSOdb.db'
path = constants.CONF.default_db.file()
print path
self.__dbEngine = create_engine('sqlite:///' + path, echo=False)
self.__Session = sessionmaker(bind=self.__dbEngine)
[docs] def query_unique_tag(self):
Grabs a session and queries the database to find the starting tag for the application.
this tag is used so it does not overlap existing shape tags previously generated
and stored into the database
session = self.__Session()
# Grab db objects sorted by a tags NUMERIC portion, not the shape portion
db_objects = session.query(DatabasePolygon).order_by(
func.cast(func.replace(DatabasePolygon.tag, 'shape', ''),
# If database is empty, set tag to 0, otherwise get the number potion of
# the shape with the highest numeric value and start there
if db_objects.count() == 0:
logger.info('No tags found, setting base case')
tag = 0
logger.info('Tag found')
tag = int(re.search('(\d+)$', db_objects.first().tag).group(0)) + 1
logger.info('Found unique tag %s' % tag)
return tag
[docs] def exists_tag(self, tag):
Check the database if a tag currently exists, if so return True, else
return False
:rtype: :py:class:`bool`
session = self.__Session()
query = session.query(DatabasePolygon).filter_by(tag=tag)
if query is None:
return False
return True
[docs] def get_session(self):
Returns an instance of a session, USERS job to ensure session
is committed/closed
logger.info('Getting session')
return self.__Session()
[docs] def commit_to_db(self, poly_list, time):
Takes a list of polygons and commits them into the database,
used in polygonList to commit all visible polygons
:param poly_list: the current polygonList corresponding to the active plot
:param time: time of the JSON's creation
logger.info('Committing to database')
session = self.__Session()
# for every polygon object in the list except the end
for polygon in poly_list:
# if the ID does not exist we have a new object to commit
if polygon.get_id() is None:
logger.debug('committing new shape: %s' % polygon.get_tag())
cords = polygon.get_coordinates()
time_cords = [mpl.dates.num2date(x[0]) for x in cords]
altitude_cords = [x[1] for x in cords]
f = polygon.get_hdf()
blat = polygon.get_min_lat()
elat = polygon.get_max_lat()
btime = min(time_cords)
etime = max(time_cords)
balt = min(altitude_cords)
ealt = max(altitude_cords)
obx = \
begin_lat = blat,
end_lat = elat,
begin_time = btime,
end_time = etime,
begin_alt = balt,
end_alt = ealt)
# otherwise we simply update the entries of the existing database object
logger.debug('updating existing entry: %s' % polygon.get_tag())
poly = session.query(DatabasePolygon).get(polygon.get_id())
if poly is None:
logger.critical('This should never happen, why did it happen?')
poly.time_ = time
f = polygon.get_hdf()
poly.hdf = f.rpartition('/')[2]
poly.plot = PLOTS[polygon.get_plot()]
poly.color = unicode(polygon.get_color())
poly.attributes = str(polygon.get_attributes())
poly.coordinates = str(polygon.get_coordinates())
poly.notes = polygon.get_notes()
if not polygon.get_saved():
[docs] def delete_item(self, idx):
Get a session and delete the object from the database.
:param idx: the primary key for the object passed
session = self.__Session()
# search for item by unique db ID
item = session.query(DatabasePolygon).get(idx)
if item is not None:
logger.info('Deleting %s' % item.tag)
logger.error('%s can not be deleted, query returned None' % item.tag)
logger.error('You\'ve likely gotten this error because multiple shapes' +
'are sharing the same tag, this is BAD and means the code' +
'is bugged, fix it!')
logger.info('Committing database')
[docs] def dump_to_json(self, zip_fname):
Dump the contents of the database into a JSON file with the specific format
of DatabasePolygon. Creates a directory '{PROJECT}/tmp' and exports all db
objects to it, then zips the directory and deletes tmp. Returns ``True`` on
success, ``False`` otherwise
:param str zip_fname: name of the zip file
:rtype: bool
session = self.__Session()
# tmp should not previously exist because we don't want files we didn't
# add ourselves
if os.path.exists(PATH + '/../tmp'):
logger.error('Tmp directory should not exist, will not zip')
return False
logger.info('Creating /tmp and exporting shapes')
os.makedirs(PATH + '/../tmp')
for shape in session.query(DatabasePolygon).order_by(DatabasePolygon.tag):
self.encode(PATH + '/../tmp/' + shape.tag + '.json', str(shape))
logger.info('Packing /tmp into %s' % zip_fname)
zipf = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_fname, 'w')
zipdir(PATH + '/../tmp', zipf)
shutil.rmtree(PATH + '/../tmp')
return True
[docs] def import_from_json(self, zip_fname):
Import a *.zip* file selected by the user, the zip file must be
the same format as how ``dump_to_json`` creates a zip, otherwise
an error will be raised. Uses functionality similar to ``ShapeReader``,
but as db should **never** be dependent on another class we need to
impl our own import method. The big difference here is that shapes
are not added to the current shape list, instead are only loaded into
the local database.
:rtype: bool
session = self.__Session()
zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_fname, 'r')
zip_ref.extractall(PATH + '/../tmp')
logger.info('querying unique tag for new database objects')
new = self.query_unique_tag()
# walk through tmp, which is where we extracted the zip db to. for each file:
# read the data into a literal_eval(string) -> dict, find the shape in the dict
# and add to database, increment new tag
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(PATH + '/../tmp'):
for file_ in files:
with open(os.path.join(root, file_), 'r') as ifile:
data = byteify(json.load(ifile))
data = ast.literal_eval(data)
keys = [x for x in data if x in constants.plot_type_enum.keys()]
for key in keys:
for shape in data[key]:
fshape = data[key][shape]
tag = 'shape' + str(new)
time = datetime.strptime(data['time'], DATEFORMAT)
hdf = data['hdffile']
color = fshape['color']
coordinates = fshape['coordinates']
attributes = fshape['attributes']
notes = fshape['notes']
blat = float(fshape['blat'])
elat = float(fshape['elat'])
btime = datetime.strptime(fshape['btime'], DATEFORMAT)
etime = datetime.strptime(fshape['etime'], DATEFORMAT)
balt = float(fshape['balt'])
ealt = float(fshape['ealt'])
obx = \
new += 1
shutil.rmtree(PATH + '/../tmp')
return True
def set_path(self, new_path):
logger.info('Setting new path')
self.__dbEngine = create_engine('sqlite:///' + new_path, echo=False)
self.__Session = sessionmaker(bind=self.__dbEngine)
[docs] def encode(filename, data):
Encode and write out a JSON object
:param filename: name of the file
:param data: Python dictionary representation of a JSON
with open(filename, 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(data, outfile)
logger.info('Successfully encoded %s' % filename)
# define the global database manager object
db = DatabaseManager()
if __name__ == '__main__':