Source code for dnppy.raster.degree_days

__all__ = ["degree_days"]

from to_numpy import to_numpy
from from_numpy import from_numpy

import numpy

def degree_days(T_base, Max, Min, NoData_Value, outpath = False, roof = False, floor = False):
[docs] """ Inputs rasters for maximum and minimum temperatures, calculates Growing Degree Days this function is built to perform the common degree day calculation on either a pair of raster filepaths, a pair of numpy arrays It requires, at minimum a maximum temperature value, a minimum temperature value, and a base temperature. This equation could also be used to calculate Chill hours or anything similar. The equation is ``[(Max+Min)/2 + T_base]`` where values in Max which are greater than roof are set equal to roof where values in Min which are less than floor are set equal to floor consult [] for more information. :param T_base: base temperature to ADD, be mindful of sign convention. :param Max: filepath, numpy array, or list of maximum temperatures :param Min: filepath, numpy array, or list of minimum temperatures :param NoData_Value: values to ignore (must be int or float) :param outpath: filepath to which output should be saved. Only works if Max and Min inputs are raster filepaths with spatial referencing. :param roof: roof value above which Max temps do not mater :param floor: floor value below which Min temps do not mater :return deg_days: a numpy array of the output degree_days """ #FIXME: doesn't fit style guide. does not operate in batch and return list of output filepaths output_filelist = [] # format numerical inputs as floating point values T_base = float(T_base) if roof: roof = float(roof) if floor: floor = float(floor) # Determine the type of input and convert to useful format for calculation # acceptable input formats are filepaths to rasters, numpy arrays, or lists. if type(Max) is list and type(Min) is list: # if the first entry in a list is a string, assume it is a filename that has # been placed into a list. if type(Max[0]) is str and type(Min[0]) is str: Max = Max[0] Min = Min[0] # load in the min and max files. highs, meta = to_numpy(Max) lows, meta = to_numpy(Min) print('Found spatially referenced image pair!') else: highs = numpy.array(Max) lows = numpy.array(Min) # if they are already numpy arrays elif type(Max) is numpy.ndarray: highs = Max lows = Min else: raise Exception("invalid inputs!") # Begin to perform the degree day calculations # apply roof and floor corrections if they have been specified if roof: highs[highs >= roof] = roof if floor: lows[lows <=floor] = floor # find the shapes of high and low arrays xsh, ysh = highs.shape xsl, ysl = lows.shape # only continue if min and max arrays have the same shape if xsh == xsl and ysh == ysl: # set empty degree day matrix deg_days = numpy.zeros((xsh,ysh)) # perform the calculation for x in range(xsh): for y in range(ysh): if round(highs[x,y]/NoData_Value,10) !=1 and round(lows[x,y]/NoData_Value,10) != 1: deg_days[x,y] =((highs[x,y] + lows[x,y])/2) + T_base else: deg_days[x,y] = NoData_Value # print error if the arrays are not the same size else: print('Images are not the same size!, Check inputs!') return False # if an output path was specified, save it with the spatial referencing information. if outpath and type(Max) is str and type(Min) is str: from_numpy(deg_days, meta, outpath) print('Output saved at : ' + outpath) return deg_days