
This section will guide you through installing dnppy. You should find it is quite simple!


  • Python 2.7 (32 or 64 bit)
  • arcpy (as distributed with ESRI’s ArcMap software version 10.1 to 10.3)
  • Windows OS

At present, many of the dnppy functions call upon arcpy, distributed with ESRI’s commercial ArcMap software. By time dnppy is out of beta, the installation will be split such that users can still access the non arcpy dependent modules (such as those for downloading and formatting NASA satellite data) if they do not have ArcMap. In the long term, the modification of several key functions to use gdal should allow complete arcpy independence.


it is highly advised to use 64-bit python 2.7 available through the “Background-Geoprocessing” package upon installation of ArcMap. A 32-bit installation may only consume 2GB of memory at once, which is an easy limit to hit when processing even modestly sized raster data sets.

There are no other requirements for dnppy which are not automatically retrieved on setup.

How to Install

Manual download

Grab the master branch from our GitHub by clicking on the “download zip” button on the bottom right of the screen. Extract the archive and run Running this file may require opening up IDLE and loading the script, then hitting F5 to execute it. Setup will fetch other dependencies from .whl files hosted in the release assets or from the python package index. Most of these .whl files were originally obtained from this unofficial windows binaries index. Ta-da! You are ready to get started with dnppy and python programming with NASA data and GIS!

With pip

If you’ve got pip, you can use the following code snippet in the python console.

import pip
pip.main(["install", "--upgrade", ""])

or whichever release tagged branch you would like to install instead of master.

Included Packages

The following packages are installed with dnppy.