Source code for dnppy.raster.clip_and_snap

__all__ = ["clip_and_snap"]

from to_numpy import to_numpy
from from_numpy import from_numpy

import os
import arcpy
import shutil

def clip_and_snap(snap_raster, rastname, outname, NoData_Value = None):
[docs] """ Ensures perfect coincidence between a snap_raster and any input rasters This script is primarily intended for calling by the "raster.spatially_match" function but may be called independently. it is designed to input a reference image and a working image. The working image must be in exactly the same projection and spatial resolution as the reference image. This script will simply ensure the tif files are perfectly coincident, and that the total image extents are identical. This is important when performing numpy manipulations on matrices derived from different datasets manipulated in different ways to ensure alignment. This script makes modifications to the original raster file, so save a backup if you are unsure how to use this. :param snap_raster: filepath and name of reference raster whos extent will be taken on by the input rastername. :param rastname: name of raster which should be snapped to the snap_raster :param NoData_Value: Value desired to represent NoData in the saved image. :return snap_meta: metadata of the snap_raster file as output by to_numpy :return meta: metadata of the rastername file as output by to_numpy """ # grab metadata for rastname _,snap_meta = to_numpy(snap_raster) _,meta = to_numpy(rastname) if NoData_Value is None: NoData_Value = meta.NoData_Value head, tail = os.path.split(outname) tempdir = os.path.join(head, 'temp') if not os.path.isdir(tempdir): os.makedirs(tempdir) # set the snap raster environment in arcmap arcpy.env.snapRaster = snap_raster # remove data that is outside the bounding box and snap the image print("Clipping {0}".format(rastname)) tempout = os.path.join(tempdir,'tempclip.tif') try: arcpy.Clip_management(rastname, snap_meta.rectangle, tempout, "#", "#", "NONE", "MAINTAIN_EXTENT") except: arcpy.Clip_management(rastname, snap_meta.rectangle, tempout, "#", "#", "NONE") # load the newly clipped raster, find any residual offsets (usually a single pixel or two) raster, meta = to_numpy(tempout) xloff = int(round((meta.Xmin - snap_meta.Xmin)/meta.cellWidth,0)) yloff = int(round((meta.Ymin - snap_meta.Ymin)/meta.cellHeight,0)) xhoff = int(round((meta.Xmax - snap_meta.Xmax)/meta.cellWidth,0)) yhoff = int(round((meta.Ymax - snap_meta.Ymax)/meta.cellHeight,0)) # plop the snapped raster into the new output raster, alter the metadata, and save it meta.Xmin = snap_meta.Xmin meta.Ymin = snap_meta.Ymin meta.Xmax = snap_meta.Xmax meta.Ymax = snap_meta.Ymax newraster = raster[(-yloff) : (meta.Ysize - yhoff), (-xloff) : (meta.Xsize - xhoff)] from_numpy(newraster, meta, outname, NoData_Value) try: shutil.rmtree(tempdir) except: pass return snap_meta, meta