Source code for dnppy.radar.decibel_convert

__author__ = ["Daniel Jensen,",
              "Scott Baron",

from dnppy import raster
import numpy

def decibel_convert(filename):
[docs] """ Converts the input UAVSAR .grd file into units of decibels. Note that a .hdr file must be created and accompany the .grd/.inc files for this to work :param filename: the full file path string for the .grd data file :return outname: filepath to output file created by this function. """ #arcpy.CheckOutExtension("Spatial") inRaster, meta = raster.to_numpy(filename) dB_raster = 10 * numpy.log10(inRaster) outname = filename.replace(".grd", "_dB.tif") raster.from_numpy(dB_raster, meta, outname) return outname