Source code for

__author__ = 'jwely'

import ftplib
import socket

__all__ = ["list_ftp"]

[docs]def list_ftp(site, username = None , password = None, dir = None): """ lists contents of typical FTP download site. returns two lists, the first is of filenames, the second is of full filepaths (including filenames) that one could patch through to the "download_url" function. returns False if the server has rejected our connection :param site: url to ftp website root, does not need to include "ftp://" :param username: username to log in with, if required :param password: password to log in with, if required :param dir: specific ftp directory we wish to access :returns filenames: a list of filenames :returns filepaths: a list of full filepaths """ # ftplib does not like the ftp address out front for some reason if "ftp://" in site: site = site.replace("ftp://", "") try: ftp = ftplib.FTP(site) except EOFError: return [], [] except socket.gaierror: raise Exception("Socket.gaierror indicates this ftp address '{0}' does not exist".format(site)) if username is not None and password is not None: ftp.login(username, password) elif username is not None: ftp.login(username) else: ftp.login() if dir is not None: ftp.cwd(dir) else: ftp.cwd("") dir = "" rawdata = [] ftp.dir(rawdata.append) filenames = [i.split()[-1] for i in rawdata] filepaths = ["ftp://"+"/".join([site, dir, afile]).replace("//","/") for afile in filenames] ftp.quit() return filenames, filepaths # testin area
if __name__ == "__main__": filenames, filepaths = list_ftp("") for filename in filenames: print filename