Source code for

__author__ = 'jwely'

from dnppy import core
from download_url import download_url
import os
import zipfile

[docs]def fetch_SRTM(ll_lat, ll_lon, ur_lat, ur_lon, product, outdir = None, mosaic = None): """ downloads data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) [] This data can be used to create DEMs of a variety of resolutions. :param ll_lat: latitude of lower left corner :param ll_lon: longitude of lower left corner :param ur_lat: latitude of upper right corner :param ur_lon: longitude of upper right corner :param product: short name of product you want. See . do not include the version number. Example: "SRTMGL1". Note that version "002" data of .DEM format does not support mosaicing. :param outdir: local directory to save downloaded files :param mosaic: Set to TRUE to mosaic all downloaded DEM tiles as "SRTM_mosaic.tif" :return tile_list: a list of all successfully downloaded tif filepaths for further manipulation NOTE: arcmap will open the output hgt files ONLY if they are not renamed. turns out arcmap does some funky things when interpreting these files. """ # build empty return list tile_list = [] # build list of lat/lon pairs from input corners lat_lon_pairs = [] for i in range(int(ll_lat), int(ur_lat + 1)): for j in range(int(ll_lon), int(ur_lon + 1)): lat_lon_pairs.append((i, j)) print lat_lon_pairs # determine product version if product is "SRTMGL30": print("Download of product SRTMGL30 is supported, but arcmap does not support this filetype") format_string = "{2}{3}{0}{1}.{4}" version = "002" mosaic = None else: format_string = "{0}{1}{2}{3}.{4}" version = "003" host = "" subhost = "{0}/{1}.{2}/2000.02.11/".format(host, product, version) print("Connecting to host at {0}".format(subhost)) for lat_lon_pair in lat_lon_pairs: lat, lon = lat_lon_pair # set North-south, East-West convention. if lat >= 0: NS = "N" else: NS = "S" if lon >= 0: EW = "E" else: EW = "W" if product is "SRTMGL30": if abs(lon) <= 20: lon = 20 elif abs(lon) <=60: lon = 60 elif abs(lon) <= 100: lon = 100 else: lon = 140 if abs(lat) <= 10: lat = 10 elif abs(lat) <=40: lat = 40 else: lat = 90 NS = NS.lower() EW = EW.lower() # build up the filename and file link filename = format_string.format(NS, str(abs(lat)).zfill(2), EW, str(abs(lon)).zfill(3), product) filelink = "{0}/{1}".format(subhost, filename) # decide where to put the file, then download it if outdir is not None: outpath = os.path.join(outdir, filename) else: outpath = filename print("Downloading and extracting {0}".format(filename)) download_url(filelink, outpath) # unzip the file and reassemble descriptive name with zipfile.ZipFile(outpath, "r") as z: if version == "003": itemname = "{0}{1}{2}{3}.hgt".format(NS, str(abs(lat)).zfill(2), EW, str(abs(lon)).zfill(3)) elif version =="002": itemname = "{0}{1}{2}{3}.DEM".format(EW.upper(), str(abs(lon)).zfill(3), NS.upper(), str(abs(lat)).zfill(2)) z.extract(itemname, outdir) z.close() # clean up and add this file to output list os.remove(outpath) tile_list.append(os.path.join(outdir,itemname)) print("Finished download and extraction of SRTM data") if mosaic is True: # use gdal to mosaic these raster together out_mosaic = os.path.join(outdir, "SRTM_mosaic.tif") core.run_command("gdalwarp", tile_list, out_mosaic) return out_mosaic else: return tile_list
if __name__ == "__main__": testdir = r"C:\Users\jwely\Desktop\troubleshooting\SRTM" fetch_SRTM(47, -118, 48, -118, "SRTMGL3", testdir, mosaic = True)