Source code for

__author__ = 'jwely'

from dnppy import core
from download_url import download_url
import os, time

__all__ = ["download_urls"]

[docs]def download_urls(url_list, outdir, file_types = None): """ Downloads a list of files. Retries failed downloads This script downloads a list of files and places it in the output directory. It was built to be nested within "Download_filelist" to allow loops to continuously retry failed files until they are successful or a retry limit is reached. :param url_list: array of urls, probably as read from a text file :param file_types: list of file types to download. Useful for excluding extraneous metadata by only downloading 'hdf' or 'tif' for example. Please note that often times, you actually NEED the metadata. :param outdir: folder where files are to be placed after download :return failed: list of files which failed download """ failed = [] url_list = core.enf_list(url_list) # creates output folder at desired path if it doesn't already exist if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) # establish a wait time that will increase when downloads fail. This helps to reduce # the frequency of REVERB server rejections for requesting too many downloads wait = 0 for site in url_list: download = False url = site.rstrip() sub = url.split("/") leng = len(sub) name = sub[leng-1] # Determine whether or not to download the file based on filetype. if file_types is not None: for filetype in file_types: if filetype in name[-4:]: download = True else: download = True # attempt download of the file, or skip it. if download: try: # wait for the wait time before attempting writing a file time.sleep(wait) download_url(url, os.path.join(outdir,name)) print("{0} is downloaded {1}".format(name, wait)) # reduce the wait time when downloads succeed. if wait >= 1: wait -= wait # add to the fail count if the download is unsuccessful and wait longer next time. except: print("{0} will be retried! {1}".format(sub[leng-1], wait)) wait += 5 failed.append(url) print("Finished downloading urls!") return failed