Source code for dnppy.core.run_command

__author__ = 'jwely'
__all__ = ["run_command"]

import subprocess
import collections

[docs]def run_command(*command): """ This function formats and runs commands that one would call from the console. Primarily intended for calling gdal commands from other functions in cases where the python bindings are absent. Particularly useful for commands with list type arguments. This function provides simplicity, but users wanting more functionality should use the subprocess module directly. :param command: command can be virtually any number of string arguments in any configuration of args, lists, and tuples. This function will take all input strings in the order in which they are given and place a space ``" "`` between each argument before passing it to the command line. .. code-block:: python # all of these are valid syntax core.run_command(arg1) core.run_command(arg1, arg2) core.run_command([arg1, arg2]) core.run_command(arg1, [arg2, arg3]) core.run_command(arg1, [arg2, arg3, [arg4, arg5]], (arg7, arg8)) """ # create both a single string command and a list of args. command_list = list(_flatten_args(command)) command_str = " ".join(map(str, command_list)) command_args = command_str.split(" ") print(command_str) return # tiny function for flattening unknown nested argument structure
def _flatten_args(l): """ flattens a list with nested lists, tuples, and other irregular structures :param l: list to flatten :return: generator object that can be converted to list with list(). """ for el in l: if isinstance(el, collections.Iterable) and not isinstance(el, basestring): for sub in _flatten_args(el): yield sub else: yield el