Source code for dnppy.core.install_from_wheel

__author__ = 'jwely'

import pip
import sys
import platform
import os

__all__ = ["install_from_wheel"]

[docs]def install_from_wheel(whl_filepath): """ This script can be used to add python libraries to the arcmap installation of python from wheel files. A great source of wheel files can be found at [] :param whl_filepath: the full local filepath to a downloaded wheel file. """ head, tail = os.path.split(whl_filepath) py_architecture = platform.architecture()[0] py_version = "".join(map(str,sys.version_info[0:2])) # make sure the wheel file appears to be the correct version if py_architecture in tail and py_version in tail: pip.main(["install", whl_filepath]) else: if py_architecture == "64bit": ending = "_amd64.whl" else: ending = "32.whl" filesuffix = "-cp{0}-none-win{1}".format(py_version, ending) raise Exception('''Bad wheel file for your version and architecture! the wheel file you want should end with "{0}"'''.format(filesuffix)) return
if __name__ == "__main__": install_from_wheel("bad_test")