Source code for dnppy.convert.extract_GRACE_DA_binary

__author__ = ['djjensen']

import numpy as np
import os
import arcpy

[docs]def extract_GRACE_DA_binary(folder, outdir = False, npy_file = False): """ This function will convert a folder of GRACE Data Assimilation product binary files into individual tiffs or a single three-dimensional NumPy array. The input folder should contain only the binary files. For more information on GRACE Data Assimilation products, visit [] :param folder: the full path to the folder containing the binary files to be converted :param outdir: Optional full path to the desired output folder. if left False by default, the output file(s) will be place in the input folder :param npy_file: Option to save the data as a 3-dimensional NumPy array file instead of tiffs enter True to convert data to a single .npy file. if left False by default, each binary file will be converted to tiff format instead :return outlist: returns list of files created by this function """ # Enforce the input path folder to ensure proper name handling infolder = os.path.abspath(folder) # Set the output folder to either the input out directory or input folder if outdir is left False if outdir: outfolder = outdir else: outfolder = infolder # Set the current directory to the input folder and create a list of files in it os.chdir(infolder) files = os.listdir('.') # Create an empty 3-dimensional array to be populated array = np.empty((np.size(files), 112, 244)) # Loop through each binary file and fill the new array with corresponding values for i,fil in enumerate(files): local_filename = os.path.join('', fil) if os.path.splitext(local_filename)[1] == ".bin": test = np.fromfile(local_filename, '>f32') test2 = np.reshape(test,(np.size(test)/(244*112), 112, 244)) test2[test2 == -999] = np.NAN test3 = np.nanmean(test2, axis=0) array[i,:,:] = test3 # If the "npy_file" parameter is set to true, save the array to a single .npy file instead of many tiffs if npy_file == True: name = "{0}-{1}.npy".format(os.path.splitext(files[0])[0], files[-1][15:21]) outnpy = os.path.join(outfolder, name), array) return outnpy # If "npy_file" is left false, save each segment of the new array as a tiff else: # Establish the lower left corner coordinates and the coordinate system for the data and set the iterator corner = arcpy.Point(-126.875, 23.875) coor_sys = "GEOGCS['GCS_WGS_1984',DATUM['D_WGS_1984',SPHEROID['WGS_1984',6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM['Greenwich',0.0],UNIT['Degree',0.0174532925199433]]" i = 0 # Loop through each file to create names and convert from NumPy array to raster # Use the "Flip" tool to save the files and define the projection outlist = [] for bin_name in files: name = bin_name.replace(".bin", ".tif") array_i = array[i,:,:] raster = arcpy.NumPyArrayToRaster(array_i, corner, 0.25, 0.25) outname = os.path.join(outfolder, name) arcpy.Flip_management(raster, outname) arcpy.DefineProjection_management(outname, coor_sys) outlist.append(outname) i += 1 # Delete the extraneous '1' folder created in the input files = os.listdir('.') if files[0] == '1': os.rmdir(os.path.join(folder, files[0])) return outlist