__author__ = 'jwely'
import h5py
import os
[docs]def HDF5_to_numpy(hdfpath, layers = None):
NOTE: This is functionally identical to ``_extract_HDF_layer_data``, but employs
an h5py based approach instead of gdal. It is experimental, and not yet used
Extracts one or more layers from an HDF5 file and returns a dict of numpy arrays
:param hdfpath: Filepath to an HDF5 file
:param layers: A list of integer values or layer names to extract
leave "None" to return numpy arrays for ALL layers
:return layer_dict: Dict with band names as keys and numpy arrays as values
with h5py.File(hdfpath, "r", driver = "core") as hdf:
group = hdf[list(hdf)[0]]
bands = list(group)
# print info about each dataset
print("Contents of {0}".format(os.path.basename(hdfpath)))
for i,x in enumerate(group.values()):
print i,x
if layers is None:
layers = bands
elif isinstance(layers, str) or isinstance(layers, int):
layers = [layers]
# verify that the desired layer can be extracted
for i, layer in enumerate(layers):
if isinstance(layer, int) and layer <= len(bands):
layers[i] = bands[layer]
elif isinstance(layer, str) and layer in bands:
layers[i] = layer
layer_dict ={}
for layer in layers:
layer_dict[layer] = group[layer][()]
print("Failed to read layer '{0}'".format(layer))
return layer_dict
if __name__ == "__main__":
rasterpath = r"C:\Users\jwely\Desktop\troubleshooting\HDF_tests\3B-HHR-L.MS.MRG.3IMERG.20150401-S233000-E235959.1410.V03E.RT-H5"
output = HDF5_to_numpy(rasterpath, [2,3,5])
print output.keys()