Source code for dnppy.raster.many_stats

__author__ = "Jwely"
__all__ = ["many_stats"]

from dnppy import core
from enf_rastlist import enf_rastlist
from to_numpy import to_numpy
from from_numpy import from_numpy
from raster_fig import raster_fig

# other imports
import numpy
import os

# FIXME: this function has an outstanding bug report against it. check issues

[docs]def many_stats(rasterlist, outdir, outname, saves = None, low_thresh = None, high_thresh = None, numtype = 'float32', NoData_Value = -9999): """ Take statistics across many input rasters. This function is used to take statistics on large groups of rasters with identical spatial extents. :param rasterlist: list of raster filepaths for which to take statistics :param outdir: directory where output should be stored. :param outname: output name filename string that will be used in output filenames :param saves: which statistics to save in a raster. Defaults to all three ['AVG','NUM','STD']. :param low_thresh: values below low_thresh are assumed erroneous and set to NoData :param high_thresh: values above high_thresh are assumed erroneous and set to NoData. :param numtype: type of numerical value. defaults to 32bit float. This function does not return anything. """ if saves is None: saves = ['AVG','NUM','STD','SUM'] if not os.path.isdir(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) rasterlist = enf_rastlist(rasterlist) # build the empty numpy array based on size of first raster temp_rast, metadata = to_numpy(rasterlist[0]) xs, ys = temp_rast.shape zs = len(rasterlist) rast_3d = numpy.zeros((xs,ys,zs)) metadata.NoData_Value = numpy.nan # open up the initial figure rastfig = raster_fig(temp_rast) # populate the 3d matrix with values from all rasters for i, raster in enumerate(rasterlist): # print a status and open a figure print('working on file {0}'.format(os.path.basename(raster))) new_rast, new_meta = to_numpy(raster, numtype) new_rast = if not new_rast.shape == (xs, ys): print new_rast.shape # set rasters to have 'nan' NoData_Value if new_meta.NoData_Value != metadata.NoData_Value: new_rast[new_rast == new_meta.NoData_Value] = metadata.NoData_Value # set values outside thresholds to nodata values if not low_thresh is None: new_rast[new_rast < low_thresh] = metadata.NoData_Value if not high_thresh is None: new_rast[new_rast > high_thresh] = metadata.NoData_Value new_rast =, numpy.isnan(new_rast)) # display a figure rastfig.update_fig(new_rast) rast_3d[:,:,i] = new_rast # build up our statistics by masking nan values and performing matrix operations rastfig.close_fig() rast_3d_masked =, numpy.isnan(rast_3d)) if "AVG" in saves: avg_rast = numpy.mean(rast_3d_masked, axis = 2) avg_rast = numpy.array(avg_rast) rastfig = raster_fig(avg_rast, title = "Average") avg_name = core.create_outname(outdir, outname, 'AVG', 'tif') print("Saving AVERAGE output raster as {0}".format(avg_name)) from_numpy(avg_rast, metadata, avg_name, NoData_Value = NoData_Value) rastfig.close_fig() del avg_rast if "STD" in saves: std_rast = numpy.std(rast_3d_masked, axis = 2) std_rast = numpy.array(std_rast) rastfig = raster_fig(std_rast, title = "Standard Deviation") std_name = core.create_outname(outdir, outname, 'STD', 'tif') print("Saving STANDARD DEVIATION output raster as {0}".format(std_name)) from_numpy(std_rast, metadata, std_name, NoData_Value = NoData_Value) rastfig.close_fig() del std_rast if "NUM" in saves: num_rast = (numpy.zeros((xs,ys)) + zs) - numpy.sum(rast_3d_masked.mask, axis = 2) num_rast = numpy.array(num_rast) rastfig = raster_fig(num_rast, title = "Good pixel count (NUM)") rastfig.close_fig() num_name = core.create_outname(outdir, outname, 'NUM', 'tif') print("Saving NUMBER output raster as {0}".format(num_name)) from_numpy(num_rast, metadata, num_name, NoData_Value = NoData_Value) rastfig.close_fig() del num_rast if "SUM" in saves: sum_rast = numpy.sum(rast_3d_masked, axis = 2) sum_rast = numpy.array(sum_rast) rastfig = raster_fig(sum_rast, title = "Sum Total") rastfig.close_fig() sum_name = core.create_outname(outdir, outname, 'SUM', 'tif') print("Saving SUM output raster as {0}".format(sum_name)) from_numpy(sum_rast, metadata, sum_name, NoData_Value = NoData_Value) rastfig.close_fig() del sum_rast rastfig.close_fig() return