Source code for dnppy.raster.gap_fill_interpolate

__author__ = 'jwely'
__all__ = ["gap_fill_interpolate"]

from dnppy import core
from to_numpy import to_numpy
from is_rast import is_rast
import arcpy
import os

def gap_fill_interpolate(in_rasterpath, out_rasterpath, model = None,
[docs] max_cell_dist = None, min_points = None): """ Fills gaps in raster data by spatial kriging interpolation. This should only be used to fill small gaps in continuous datasets (like a DEM), and in instances where it makes sense. This function creates a feature class layer of points where pixels are not NoData, then performs a "kriging" interpolation on the point data to rebuild a uniform grid with a value at every location, thus filling gaps. WARNING: This script is processing intensive and may take a while to run even for modestly sized datasets. :param in_rasterpath: input filepath to raster to fill gaps :param out_rasterpath: filepath to store output gap filled raster in :param model: type of kriging model to run, options include "SPHERICAL", "CIRCULAR", "EXPONENTIAL", "GAUSSIAN", and "LINEAR" :param max_cell_dist: The maximum number of cells to interpolate between, data gaps which do not have at least "min_points" points within this distance will not be filled. :param min_points: Minimum number of surrounding points to use in determining value at missing cell. :return out_rasterpath: Returns path to file created by this function """ # check inputs if not is_rast(in_rasterpath): raise Exception("input raster path {0} is invalid!".format(in_rasterpath)) if max_cell_dist is None: max_cell_dist = 10 if min_points is None: min_points = 4 if model is None: model = "SPHERICAL" # set environments arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True arcpy.env.snapRaster = in_rasterpath arcpy.CheckOutExtension("Spatial") # make a point shapefile version of input raster print("Creating point grid from input raster") head, tail = os.path.split(in_rasterpath) shp_path = core.create_outname(head, tail, "shp", "shp") dbf_path = shp_path.replace(".shp",".dbf") field = "GRID_CODE" arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(in_rasterpath, shp_path, "VALUE") # find the bad rows who GRID_CODE is 1, these should be NoData print("Finding points with NoData entries") bad_row_FIDs = [] rows = arcpy.UpdateCursor(dbf_path) for row in rows: grid_code = getattr(row, field) if grid_code == 1: bad_row_FIDs.append(row.FID) del rows # go back through the list and perform the deletions numbad = len(bad_row_FIDs) print("Deleting {0} points with NoData values".format(numbad)) rows = arcpy.UpdateCursor(dbf_path) for i, row in enumerate(rows): if row.FID in bad_row_FIDs: rows.deleteRow(row) # set up the parameters for kriging print("Setting up for kriging") _, meta = to_numpy(in_rasterpath) model = model cell_size = meta.cellHeight # from input raster lagSize = None majorRange = None partialSill = None nugget = None distance = float(cell_size) * float(max_cell_dist) # fn input min_points = min_points # fn input a = kmodel ="SPHERICAL", lagSize = lagSize, majorRange = majorRange, partialSill = partialSill, nugget = nugget) kradius = = distance, minNumberOfPoints = min_points) # execute kriging print("Performing interpolation by kriging, this may take a while!") outkriging =, field, kmodel, cell_size = cell_size, search_radius = kradius) return out_rasterpath # testing area if __name__ == "__main__":
inraster = r"C:\Users\jwely\Desktop\Team_Projects\2015_sumer_CO_water\LiDAR_Format_Trial\mosaic\test_mosaic_gaps.tif" outraster = r"C:\Users\jwely\Desktop\Team_Projects\2015_sumer_CO_water\LiDAR_Format_Trial\mosaic\test_mosaic_filled.tif" gap_fill_interpolate(inraster, outraster)