Source code for dnppy.radar.create_header

__author__ = ["Daniel Jensen,",
              "Scott Baron",

import os
import re

def create_header(folder):
[docs] """ Builds a header file for the input UAVSAR .grd file, allowing the data to be read as a raster dataset. :param folder: the folder containing the UAVSAR .grd and .ann files """ os.chdir(folder) # Empty lists to put information that will be recalled later. Lines_list = [] Samples_list = [] Latitude_list = [] Longitude_list = [] Files_list = [] # Step 1: Look through folder and determine how many different flights there are # by looking at the HDR files. for files in os.listdir(folder): if files [-4:] == ".grd": newfile = open(files[0:-4] + ".hdr", 'w') newfile.write( """ ENVI description = {DESCFIELD} samples = NSAMP lines = NLINE bands = 1 header offset = 0 file type = ENVI Standard data type = DATTYPE interleave = bsq sensor type = Unknown byte order = 0 map info = { Geographic Lat/Lon, 1.5000, 1.5000, LONGITUDE, LATITUDE, 5.5560000000e-05, 5.5560000000e-05, WGS-84, units=Degrees } coordinate system string = { GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984", DATUM["D_WGS_1984", SPHEROID["WGS_1984", 6378137.0,298.257223563]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0], UNIT["Degree",0.017453292519943295]] } wavelength units = Unknown """ ) newfile.close() if files[0:18] not in Files_list: Files_list.append(files[0:18]) #Variables used to recall indexed values. var1 = 0 #Step 2: Look through the folder and locate the annotation file(s). # These can be in either .txt or .ann file types. for files in os.listdir(folder): if Files_list[var1] and files[-4:] == ".txt" or files[-4:] == ".ann": #Step 3: Once located, find the info we are interested in and append it to # the appropriate list. We limit the variables to <=1 so that they only # return two values (one for each polarization of searchfile = open(files, "r") for line in searchfile: if "GRD Lines" in line: Lines = line[55:60] if Lines not in Lines_list: Lines_list.append(Lines) elif "GRD Samples" in line: Samples = line[55:60] if Samples not in Samples_list: Samples_list.append(Samples) elif "grd_mag.row_addr" in line: Latitude = line.split()[3] print(Latitude) if Latitude not in Latitude_list: Latitude_list.append(Latitude) elif "grd_mag.col_addr" in line: Longitude = line.split()[3] print(Longitude) if Longitude not in Longitude_list: Longitude_list.append(Longitude) #Reset the variables to zero for each different flight date. var1 = 0 searchfile.close() var6 = 0 # Step 3: Open HDR file and replace data. for files in os.listdir(folder): if files[-4:] == ".hdr": with open(files, "r") as sources: lines = sources.readlines() with open(files, "w") as sources: for line in lines: if "data type = DATTYPE" in line: sources.write(re.sub(line[12:19], "4", line)) elif "DESCFIELD" in line: sources.write(re.sub(line[2:11], "File Imported into ENVI.", line)) elif "lines" in line: sources.write(re.sub(line[10:15], Lines_list[Files_list.index(files[0:18])], line)) elif "samples" in line: sources.write(re.sub(line[10:15], Samples_list[Files_list.index(files[0:18])], line)) elif "map info" in line: sources.write(re.sub(line[47:66], "{lon}, {lat}".format( lon=Longitude_list[Files_list.index(files[0:18])], lat=Latitude_list[Files_list.index(files[0:18])]), line)) else: sources.write(re.sub(line, line, line)) print("Finished creating hdrs") return