Source code for dnppy.modis.extract_from_hdf

# local imports
from dnppy import core
from define_projection import define_projection

import os
import arcpy

[docs]def extract_from_hdf(file_list, layer_list, layer_names = False, outdir = None): """ Extracts tifs from MODIS HDF files, ensures proper projection. :param file_list: either a list of '.hdf' files from which data should be extracted, or a directory containing '.hdf' files. :param layer_list: list of layer numbers to pull out as individual tifs should be integers such as [0,4] for the 0th and 4th layer respectively. :param layer_names: list of layer names to put more descriptive file suffixes to each layer :param outdir: directory to which tif files should be saved if outdir is left as 'None', files are saved in the same directory as the input file was found. :return output_filelist: returns a list of all files created by this function """ if outdir is not None: if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) # enforce lists for iteration purposes and sanitize inputs file_list = core.enf_filelist(file_list) for filename in file_list: if '.xml' in filename or '.ovr' in filename or not '.hdf' in filename: file_list.remove(filename) layer_list = core.enf_list(layer_list) layer_names = core.enf_list(layer_names) # ignore user input layer_names if they are invalid, but print warnings if layer_names and not len(layer_names) == len(layer_list): Warning('layer_names must be the same length as layer_list!') Warning('Omitting user defined layer_names!') layer_names = False output_filelist = [] # iterate through every file in the input file_list for infile in file_list: # pull the filename and path apart path,name = os.path.split(infile) arcpy.env.workspace = path for i, layer in enumerate(layer_list): # specify the layer names. if layer_names: layername = layer_names[i] else: layername = str(layer).zfill(3) # use the input output directory if the user input one, otherwise build one if outdir: outname = os.path.join(outdir, "{0}_{1}.tif".format(name[:-4], layername)) else: outname = os.path.join(path, "{0}_{1}.tif".format(name[:-4], layername)) # perform the extracting and projection definition try: arcpy.ExtractSubDataset_management(infile, outname, str(layer)) define_projection(outname) output_filelist.append(outname) print("Extracted {0}".format(os.path.basename(outname))) except: print("Failed to extract {0} from {1}".format(os.path.basename(outname), os.path.basename(infile))) return output_filelist
if __name__ == "__main__": extract_from_hdf(r"C:\Users\jwely\Desktop\Team_Projects\2015_summer_Alaska_Disasters", [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], outdir = r"C:\Users\jwely\Desktop\troubleshooting\test\MOD10A1\frac_snow")