Source code for dnppy.landsat.cloud_mask

# imports
from dnppy import core
import numpy
import arcpy
import os
try: from scipy import stats
except: pass
if arcpy.CheckExtension('Spatial')=='Available':
    arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True

__all__=['make_cloud_mask_457',     # complete
         'make_cloud_mask_8',       # complete
         'apply_cloud_mask']        # complete

def make_cloud_mask_8(BQA_path, outdir = None):
[docs] """ Creates a cloud mask tiff file from the Landsat 8 Quality Assessment Band (BQA) file. Requires only the BQA tiff file included in the dataset. :param BQA_path: The full filepath to the BQA file for the raw Landsat 8 dataset :param outdir: Output directory to save cloudless band tifs and the cloud mask :return cloud_mask_path: Filepath to newly created cloud mask """ #define the range of values in the BQA file to be reclassified as cloud (0) or not cloud (1) remap =[[50000,65000,0],[28670,32000,0],[2,28669,1],[32001,49999,1],[1,1,"NoData"]]) outReclass =, "Value", remap) #set the name and save the binary cloud mask tiff file BQA = os.path.abspath(BQA_path) name = os.path.split(BQA)[1] name_ext = os.path.splitext(name)[0] TileName = name_ext.replace("_BQA", "") #create an output name and save the mask tiff if outdir is not None: outdir = os.path.abspath(outdir) cloud_mask_path = core.create_outname(outdir, TileName, "Mask", "tif") else: folder = os.path.dirname(BQA) cloud_mask_path = core.create_outname(folder, TileName, "Mask", "tif") return cloud_mask_path def make_cloud_mask_457(B2_TOA_Ref, outdir = None, Filter5Thresh = 2.0, Filter6Thresh = 2.0):
[docs] """ Creates a binary mask raster for removal of cloud-covered pixels in raw Landsat 4, 5, and 7 bands. To be performed on Landsat 4, 5, or 7 data. Must be processed first with landsat.toa_reflectance_457 for bands 2, 3, 4, and 5 and landsat.atsat_bright_temp_457 for band 6. Note that for this function to run properly, bands 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 must each be in the same folder and have the correct naming convention output by the landsat.toa_reflectance_457 and landsat.atsat_bright_temp_457 functions (e.g. LT50410362011240PAC01_B2_TOA_Ref.tif, LT50410362011240PAC01_B6_Temp.tif). :param B2_TOA_Ref: The full filepath to the band 2 top-of-atmosphere reflectance tiff file :param outdir: Output directory to the cloud mask and TOA band tiffs :param Filter5Thresh: Optional threshold value for Filter #5, default set at 2 :param Filter6Thresh: Optional threshold value for Filter #6, default set at 2 :return cloud_mask_path: Filepath to newly created cloud mask """ #discern if Landsat 4/5 or 7 for band 6 and designate rasters for bands 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 if "LT4" in B2_TOA_Ref or "LT5" in B2_TOA_Ref: band_6 = "6" elif "LE7" in B2_TOA_Ref: band_6 = "6_VCID_1" else: band_6 = None B2_path = os.path.abspath(B2_TOA_Ref) Band2 = arcpy.Raster(B2_path) band_path3 = B2_path.replace("B2_TOA_Ref.tif", "B3_TOA_Ref.tif") band_path4 = B2_path.replace("B2_TOA_Ref.tif", "B4_TOA_Ref.tif") band_path5 = B2_path.replace("B2_TOA_Ref.tif", "B5_TOA_Ref.tif") band_path6 = B2_path.replace("B2_TOA_Ref.tif", "B{0}_ASBTemp.tif".format(band_6)) Band3 = arcpy.Raster(band_path3) Band4 = arcpy.Raster(band_path4) Band5 = arcpy.Raster(band_path5) Band6 = arcpy.Raster(band_path6) del band_path3, band_path4, band_path5, band_path6 name = os.path.split(B2_path)[1] if outdir is None: outdir = os.path.split(B2_path)[0] #Establishing location of gaps in data. 0 = Gap, 1 = Data #This will be used multiple times in later steps print("Creating Gap Mask") GapMask = ((Band2 > 0) * (Band3 > 0) * (Band4 > 0)*(Band5 > 0) * (Band6 > 0)),"GapMask.tif")) print("First pass underway") #Filter 1 - Brightness Threshold-------------------------------------------- Cloudmask = Band3 > .08 #Filter 2 - Normalized Snow Difference Index-------------------------------- NDSI = (Band2 - Band5)/(Band2 + Band5) Snow = (NDSI > .6) * Cloudmask Cloudmask *= (NDSI < .6) #Filter 3 - Temperature Threshold------------------------------------------- Cloudmask *= (Band6 < 300) #Filter 4 - Band 5/6 Composite---------------------------------------------- Cloudmask *= (((1-Band5) * Band6) < 225) Amb = (((1 - Band5) * Band6) > 225) #Filter 5 - Band 4/3 Ratio (eliminates vegetation)-------------------------- #bright cloud tops are sometimes cut out by this filter. original threshold was #raising this threshold will make the algorithm more aggresive Cloudmask *= ((Band4/Band3) < Filter5Thresh) Amb *= ((Band4/Band3) > Filter5Thresh) #Filter 6 - Band 4/2 Ratio (eliminates vegetation)-------------------------- #bright cloud tops are sometimes cut out by this filter. original threshold was #raising this threshold will make the algorithm more aggresive Cloudmask *= ((Band4/Band2) < Filter6Thresh) Amb *= ((Band4/Band2) > Filter6Thresh) #Filter 7 - Band 4/5 Ratio (Eliminates desert features)--------------------- # DesertIndex recorded DesertIndMask = ((Band4/Band5) > 1.0) Cloudmask *= DesertIndMask Amb *= ((Band4/Band5) < 1.0) #Filter 8 Band 5/6 Composite (Seperates warm and cold clouds)-------------- WarmCloud = (((1 - Band5) * Band6) > 210) * Cloudmask ColdCloud = (((1 - Band5) * Band6) < 210) * Cloudmask #Calculating percentage of the scene that is classified as Desert DesertGap = (DesertIndMask + 1) * GapMask try: arcpy.CalculateStatistics_management(DesertGap,ignore_values = "0") DesertIndex = DesertGap.mean - 1 except:, "Desert.tif")) arcpy.CalculateStatistics_management(DesertGap,ignore_values = "0") DesertIndex = DesertGap.mean - 1 os.remove(os.path.join(outdir, "Desert.tif")) del DesertIndMask, DesertGap, NDSI #Calculating percentage of the scene that is classified as Snow ColdCloudGap = (ColdCloud + 1) * GapMask try: arcpy.CalculateStatistics_management(ColdCloudGap,ignore_values = "0") ColdCloudMean = ColdCloudGap.mean - 1 del ColdCloudGap except:, "ColdCloud.tif")) arcpy.CalculateStatistics_management(ColdCloudGap,ignore_values = "0") ColdCloudMean = ColdCloudGap.mean - 1 os.remove(os.path.join(outdir, "ColdCloud.tif")) del ColdCloudGap del Band2, Band3, Band4, Band5 SnowGap = (Snow + 1) * GapMask try: arcpy.CalculateStatistics_management(SnowGap,ignore_values = "0") SnowPerc = SnowGap.mean - 1 del SnowGap except:, "Snow.tif")) arcpy.CalculateStatistics_management(SnowGap,ignore_values = "0") SnowPerc = SnowGap.mean - 1 os.remove(os.path.join(outdir, "Snow.tif")) del SnowGap del Snow del GapMask #Determining whether or not snow is present and adjusting the Cloudmask #accordinging. If snow is present the Warm Clouds are reclassfied as ambigious if SnowPerc > .01: SnowPresent = True Cloudmask = ColdCloud Amb = Amb + WarmCloud else: SnowPresent = False del ColdCloud, WarmCloud, SnowPerc #Collecting statistics for Cloud pixel Temperature values. These will be used in later conditionals Tempclouds = Cloudmask * Band6, "TempClouds.tif")) del Tempclouds #Converting TempClouds to a text file and writing its non-zero/NAN values to a list outtxt = os.path.join(outdir, "tempclouds.txt") arcpy.RasterToASCII_conversion(os.path.join(outdir, "TempClouds.tif"), outtxt) f = open(outtxt) alist = [] lines = f.readlines()[6:] for line in lines: for x in line.split(' '): try: x = float(x) if x > 0: alist.append(x) except ValueError: pass f.close() #Band6clouds = Band6array[np.where(Band6array > 0)] #del Band6array TempMin = min(alist) TempMax = max(alist) TempMean = numpy.mean(alist) TempStd = numpy.std(alist) TempSkew = stats.skew(alist) Temp98perc = numpy.percentile(alist, 98.75) Temp97perc = numpy.percentile(alist, 97.50) Temp82perc = numpy.percentile(alist, 82.50) del alist #delete all intermediary files in the output directory for file in os.listdir(outdir): if "GapMask" in file: os.remove("{0}\\{1}".format(outdir, file)) elif "TempClouds" in file: os.remove("{0}\\{1}".format(outdir, file)) elif "tempclouds" in file: os.remove("{0}\\{1}".format(outdir, file)) #Pass 2 is run if the following conditionals are met if ColdCloudMean > .004 and DesertIndex > .5 and TempMean < 295: #Pass 2 arcpy.AddMessage("Second Pass underway") #Adjusting Temperature thresholds based on skew if TempSkew > 0: if TempSkew > 1: shift = TempStd else: shift = TempStd * TempSkew else: shift = 0 Temp97perc += shift Temp82perc += shift if Temp97perc > Temp98perc: Temp82perc = Temp82perc -(Temp97perc - Temp98perc) Temp97perc = Temp98perc warmAmbmask = ((Band6 * Amb) < Temp97perc) warmAmbmask = warmAmbmask * ((Amb * Band6) > Temp82perc) coldAmbmask = (Band6 * Amb ) < Temp82perc coldAmbmask = coldAmbmask * ((Amb * Band6) > 0) warmAmb = warmAmbmask * Band6 coldAmb = coldAmbmask * Band6 ThermEffect1 = warmAmbmask.mean ThermEffect2 = coldAmbmask.mean arcpy.CalculateStatistics_management(warmAmb, ignore_values = "0") arcpy.CalculateStatistics_management(coldAmb, ignore_values = "0") if ThermEffect1 < .4 and warmAmb.mean < 295 and SnowPresent == False: Cloudmask = Cloudmask + warmAmbmask + coldAmbmask arcpy.AddMessage("Upper Threshold Used") elif ThermEffect2 < .4 and coldAmb.mean < 295: Cloudmask += coldAmbmask arcpy.AddMessage("Lower Threshold Used") #switch legend to 1=good data 0 = cloud pixel remap =[[1,0],[0,1],["NODATA",1]]) Cloud_Mask =, "Value", remap) #create output name mask_path = name.replace("_B2_TOA_Ref.tif", "") if outdir: outdir = os.path.abspath(outdir) outname = core.create_outname(outdir, mask_path, "Mask", "tif") else: folder = B2_TOA_Ref.replace(name, "") outname = core.create_outname(folder, mask_path, "Mask", "tif") print "Cloud mask saved at {0}".format(outname) cloud_mask_path = arcpy.Raster(outname) del name, mask_path, Cloud_Mask, remap return cloud_mask_path def apply_cloud_mask(mask_path, folder, outdir = None):
[docs] """ Removal of cloud-covered pixels in Landsat 4, 5, 7, or 8 bands using the mask created with landsat.make_cloud_mask_8 or landsat.make_cloud_mask_457. :param folder: The folder containing the raw or processed band tiffs to remove clouds from :param mask_path: The full filepath to the mask file created by make_cloud_mask_8 or make_cloud_mask_457 :param outdir: Output directory to save cloudless band tiffs, default is same as "folder" :return no_clouds_list: List of files created by this function with cloud mask applied. """ no_clouds_list = [] #enforce the input band numbers as a list of strings mpath = os.path.abspath(mask_path) mask_split = os.path.split(mpath)[1] name = os.path.splitext(mask_split)[0] tilename = name.replace("_Mask", "") folder = os.path.abspath(folder) #loop through each file in folder inlist = [] outlist = [] for band in os.listdir(folder): band_name = "{0}_B".format(tilename) #for each band (number 1-9) tif whose id matches the mask's, create an output name and append to the in and output lists if (band_name in band) and (band[-4:] == ".tif" or band[-4:] == ".TIF") and ("NoClds" not in band) and ("BQA" not in band): name = band.replace(".tif", "") if outdir is not None: outname = core.create_outname(outdir, name, "NoClds", "tif") else: outname = core.create_outname(folder, name, "NoClds", "tif") inlist.append("{0}\\{1}".format(folder, band)) outlist.append(outname) #loop through the input list and apply the con to each file, saving to the corresponding path in the output list y = 0 for afile in inlist: outcon =, afile, "", "VALUE = 1")[y]) no_clouds_list.append(outlist[y]) y += 1 if y > (len(inlist) - 1): break return no_clouds_list