Source code for

__author__ = ['jwely']

# import modules
from download_url import download_url
from list_ftp import list_ftp
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import os
import gzip

__all__ = ["fetch_TRMM"]

[docs]def fetch_TRMM(start_dto, end_dto, outdir, product_string): """ Fetches TRMM data from an FTP server. :param start_dto: datetime object for start date of desired range :param end_dto: datetime object for end date of desired range :param outdir: output directory where files should be saved (str) :param product_string: the string for the desired product, options include 1B11, 1B21, 1CTMI, 2A12, 2A21, 2A23, 2A25, 2B31, 3B42, 3G25, 3G31. The usual precip product of interest is the well known 3B42 data product. :param output_files: a list of new filepaths created by this function """ # set up empty structure dates = [] output_files = [] ftpsite = "" un = "" date_delta = end_dto - start_dto for i in range(date_delta.days +1): dates.append(start_dto + timedelta(days = i)) for date in dates: # navigate to path of desired year/month/day workdir = '/'.join(['trmmdata','ByDate','V07', str(date.year), str(date.month).zfill(2), str(]) filenames, filepaths = list_ftp(site = ftpsite, dir = workdir, username = un, password = un) for filename in filenames: if product_string in filename: try: outname = os.path.join(outdir, os.path.basename(filename)) download_url(ftpsite + filename, outname, username = un, password = un) output_files.append(outname) # now extract it out of its GZ format with, 'rb') as gz: with open(outname.replace(".gz",""), 'wb') as f: content = f.write(content) os.remove(outname) print("downloaded and extracted {0}".format(os.path.basename(filename))) except: print("failed to download {0}".format(os.path.basename(filename))) print("Finished downloading TRMM files!") return output_files
if __name__ == "__main__": start = datetime(2014, 1 ,1) end = datetime(2014, 1, 2) outfiles = fetch_TRMM(start, end, r"C:\Users\jwely\Desktop\troubleshooting\test", "3B42")