Source code for

__author__ = 'jwely'

from dnppy import core
from list_http_e4ftl01 import list_http_e4ftl01
from download_url import download_url
import os

__all__ = ["fetch_Landsat_WELD"]

[docs]def fetch_Landsat_WELD(product, tiles, years, outdir): """ Fetch WELD data from the server at []. Weld data is corrected and processed Landsat 5 and 7 data that is distributed in the MODIS sinusoidal projection and grid format. Read more about WELD data. :param product: WELD product to download such as 'USWK','USMO','USYR' :param tiles: list of tiles to grab such as ['h11v12','h11v11'] :param years: list of years to grab such as range(2001,2014) :param outdir: output directory to save downloaded files :return output_filelist: A list of full filepaths to files fetched be this function """ output_filelist = [] # check formats global dates tiles = core.enf_list(tiles) years = core.enf_list(years) years = [str(year) for year in years] # create output directories for tile in tiles: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(outdir,tile)): os.makedirs(os.path.join(outdir,tile)) print('Connecting to servers!') # Map the contents of the directory site= ''+product+'.001' try: dates = list_http_e4ftl01(site) except: print('Could not connect to site! check inputs!') # find just the folders within the desired year range. good_dates=[] for date in dates: try: y, m, d = date.split(".") if y in years: good_dates.append(date) except: pass print("Found {0} days within year range".format(len(good_dates))) # for all folders within the desired date range, map the subfolder contents. for good_date in good_dates: files = list_http_e4ftl01(site+'/'+good_date) for afile in files: # only list files with desired tilenames and not preview jpgs if not '.jpg' in afile: for tile in tiles: if tile in afile: # assemble the address address = '/'.join([site,good_date,afile]) print("Downloading {0}".format(address)) #download the file. outname = os.path.join(outdir,tile,afile) output_filelist.append(outname) download_url(address, outname) return