Source code for dnppy.convert.nongrid_data

__author__ = 'jwely'
__all__ = ["nongrid_data"]

from ll_to_utm import *
import numpy
import math
from scipy import interpolate
import datetime

[docs]class nongrid_data(): """ This class houses non-gridded datasets. Its methods can be used to build a gridded dataset from a non gridded dataset or point data. It takes three array/matrix like inputs, lat, lon, and data values. These matrix like inputs are then processed into 1d-arrays with two sorting schemes. The three arrays are represented as (lat_array, lon_array, data_array) where each array is of equal shape, and the value of each row corresponds to the values in the same row of the other arrays. these arrays are then converted to UTM coordinates and sorted by the utm_x coordinate. This sorting is done to optimize processing time when building a gridded dataset from what is effectively assumed to be point data. :param lat: matrix of values representing latitude :param lon: matrix of values representing longitude :param data: matrix of values containing spatial data :param hemisphere: either "N" or "S" """ def __init__(self, lat, lon, data, hemisphere): """ each lat, lon and data input can be numpy arrays of any size, as long as all three inputs are identical shapes. please use inputs of "degree" """ print("Loading non-gridded dataset") self.hemisphere = hemisphere # one dimensionalizes the inputs = numpy.reshape(lat, -1) self.lon = numpy.reshape(lon, -1) = numpy.reshape(data, -1) del lat, lon, data if not (len( == len(self.lon) == len( raise Exception("inputs are not the same dimensions!") # get bounding box info self.min_lat = min( self.max_lat = max( self.min_lon = min(self.lon) self.max_lon = max(self.lon) # determine the UTM zone of the center point of this data. self.mid_lon = self.max_lon - self.min_lon / 2 self.mid_lat = self.max_lat - self.min_lat / 2 self.utm_zone = int(((self.mid_lon - 3 + 180) / 6) + 1) # converts lat lon points to utmx and utmy points print("Converting to UTM coordinates") utmx, utmy = ll_to_utm(, self.lon, self.utm_zone, self.hemisphere) # sorts the data (transformed into utm space) by utmx self.utmx = sorted(utmx) self.utmy = [y for (x,y) in sorted(zip(utmx, utmy))] = [d for (x,d) in sorted(zip(utmx,] # find min and maximum utm coordinates self.min_utmx = numpy.min(self.utmx) self.min_utmy = numpy.min(self.utmy) self.max_utmx = numpy.max(self.utmx) self.max_utmy = numpy.max(self.utmy) # print a summary print("location: UTM zone {0}{1}".format(self.utm_zone, self.hemisphere)) print("LL UTM coordinates: {0} , {1}".format(self.min_utmx, self.min_utmy)) print("UR UTM coordinates: {0} , {1}".format(self.max_utmx, self.max_utmy)) @staticmethod
[docs] def distance_x_y(x0, y0, x1, y1): """ computes the approx distance between two utmx, utmy locations """ dist = (((x0 - x1) **2) + ((y0 - y1)**2)) ** 0.5 return dist
[docs] def distance_lat_lon(lat0, lon0, lat1, lon1): """ computes the distance between two lat/lon coordinates in meters using the Haversine formula. """ # radius of earth in meters R = 6371000 # convert degree values to radians. lat0 = math.radians(lat0) lon0 = math.radians(lon0) lat1 = math.radians(lat1) lon1 = math.radians(lon1) del_lat = lat1 - lat0 del_lon = lon1 - lon0 a = (math.sin(del_lat / 2) ** 2) + \ (math.cos(lat0) * math.cos(lat1)) * (math.sin(del_lon / 2) ** 2) c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1 - 1)) dist = R * c return dist
[docs] def _sample_by_location(self, utmx_matrix, utmy_matrix, resolution): """ performs grid interpolation for a smaller subset of the total dataset. utmx_matrix and utmy_matrix are the two components of a meshgrid """ # establish a sample distance samp_dist = abs(3 * resolution) # sort out data that is too far from input grid points print("\t Subsetting samples...") lowx = numpy.min(utmx_matrix) - samp_dist highx = numpy.max(utmx_matrix) + samp_dist lowy = numpy.min(utmy_matrix) - samp_dist highy = numpy.max(utmy_matrix) + samp_dist # remove low x points lowxmask = numpy.where(numpy.array(self.utmx) > lowx) subutmx = numpy.array(self.utmx)[lowxmask] subutmy = numpy.array(self.utmy)[lowxmask] subdata = numpy.array([lowxmask] # remove high x points highxmask = numpy.where(subutmx < highx) subutmx = subutmx[highxmask] subutmy = subutmy[highxmask] subdata = subdata[highxmask] # remove low y points lowymask = numpy.where(subutmy > lowy) subutmx = subutmx[lowymask] subutmy = subutmy[lowymask] subdata = subdata[lowymask] # remove high y points #highymask = numpy.where(subutmy < highy) #subutmx = subutmx[highymask] #subutmy = subutmy[highymask] #subdata = subdata[highymask] print("\t Performing interpolation across {1} grid with {0} points...".format( len(subdata), utmx_matrix.shape)) # create single point meshgrid and interpolate its value from nearby points points = (subutmx, subutmy) meshgrid = (utmx_matrix, utmy_matrix) if subdata.shape[0] != 0: location_data_value = interpolate.griddata(points, subdata, meshgrid, method = "cubic") return location_data_value else: return utmx_matrix * 0
[docs] def sample_by_grid(self, resolution): """ Grids a dataset to the desired resolution in a UTM projection. input resolution is the length of one square pixel on a side in meters. """ # build range arrays x_range = list(numpy.arange(self.min_utmx, self.max_utmx, resolution)) y_range = list(numpy.arange(self.min_utmy, self.max_utmy, resolution)) # build meshgrid x_mesh, y_mesh = numpy.mgrid[self.min_utmx:self.max_utmx:complex(0,len(x_range)), self.min_utmy:self.max_utmy:complex(0,len(y_range))] outgrid = numpy.zeros((len(x_range), len(y_range))) # divide into equal number of slices and chunks num_slices = int(((len(x_range) * len(y_range)) / 800000) * (2 ** 0.5)) slice_width = len(x_range) / float(num_slices) num_chunks = num_slices chunk_height = len(y_range) / float(num_chunks) # perform griding for one slice of the output grid at a time. print("Dividing dataset into {0} pieces and griding to a matrix of size {1}".format( num_slices * num_chunks, outgrid.shape)) for aslice in range(num_slices): for chunk in range(num_chunks): print("processing chunk {0},{1}".format(aslice + 1, chunk + 1)) chunkrange = slice(int(chunk * chunk_height),int((chunk + 1) * chunk_height)) slicerange = slice(int(aslice * slice_width),int((aslice + 1) * slice_width)) slice_x_mesh = x_mesh[chunkrange, slicerange] slice_y_mesh = y_mesh[chunkrange, slicerange] outslice = self._sample_by_location(slice_x_mesh, slice_y_mesh, resolution) outgrid[chunkrange, slicerange] = outslice print("100%") return outgrid # testing area
if __name__ == "__main__": from _extract_HDF_layer_data import * start = rasterpath = r"C:\Users\jwely\Desktop\troubleshooting\HDF_tests\GDNBO-SVDNB_npp_d20150626_t0132557_e0138361_b18964_c20150626174428799822_noaa_ops.h5" layer_data = _extract_HDF_layer_data(rasterpath, [2, 4, 19]) ngd = nongrid_data(layer_data[2].ReadAsArray(), layer_data[4].ReadAsArray(), layer_data[19].ReadAsArray(), "S") ngd.sample_by_grid(resolution = 1000) end = print end - start