Getting the Data ================ Data collected by the CALIPSO satellite is free to the public, all it takes is going through a couple of steps to order the data. **Eosweb** is the primary distributor for the satellite, you can find their webpage `here`__ and order data from `here`__. Once at the order page, you can use either **EarthData Search** or the **ASDC Ordering Tool**. Each has advantages and disadvantages, so test each to see which works best for you. Once you've decided on the time and place you would like data, download it. The tool works with both Level One and Level Two data, which come as HDF files entitled "CAL_LID_L1-Standard" and "CAL_LID-VFM_Standard" followed by the version number, date, and time. Version 4.10 data is recommended, however other less verified versions may work. In order to view L1 and L2 data simultaneously, you will have to download L1 and L2 files with the exact same date and time. In the **ASDC HTML Order Tool**, this is easily done by *ctrl + clicking* on both the "CAL_LID_L1-Standard-V4-10" and "CAL_LID_VFM-Standard-V4-10" options under *Data Sets*. **EarthData Search** provides a visual tool for selecting data. See the tour on their `website`__ for more details on its use. You will still want to download both L1 and L2 data. .. note:: Even it you only wish to view L2 data, you must have the corresponding L1 file Another option is to grab example data from ccplot's sourceforge page, which a simple CALIPSO data file you can easily download and load into VOCAL right off the bat: * `CAL_LID_L1-ValStage1-V3-01.2007-06-12T03-42-18ZN.hdf`_ .. __: .. __: .. __: .. _CAL_LID_L1-ValStage1-V3-01.2007-06-12T03-42-18ZN.hdf: