============= Calipso ============= The main class of the application. Calipso manages all Tkinter and widget related entities, and ensures all parts of the GUI are initialized and created before the start of the program. .. code-block:: python if __name__ == "__main__": rt = Tk() program = Calipso(rt) # Create main GUI window program.setupWindow() # create window in center screen program.setupMenu() # create top menu program.setupMainScreen() # create top buttons, initialize child and display base_plt rt.mainloop() # program main loop os._exit(1) The order of functions calls in the beginning of the program is as follows:: __init__ setupWindow setupMenu setupMainScreen |-> calls createTopScreenGUI |-> calls createChildWindowGUI |-> calls selPlot(BASE_PLOT) .. inheritance-diagram:: Calipso .. automodule:: Calipso :members: